Five: Getting Better (Months 1-5)

SEPT 2------5 ½ WKS

Different Cries – I read somewhere that if they start out slowly and just kinda fuss a little and get slowly louder and then cry, it’s hunger. But if they start screaming out of the blue, it’s pain or discomfort. That’s about all I can say for that. It’s worked for me so far.

Welcome Kim! Good luck to your girls. Hope little Isabella breaks outta the joint soon!

Anyone else SO completely frustrated when relatives (meaning well) get the babies off schedule?? How the HECK am I supposed to keep track of one ate 2 oz 45 mins ago and the other ate 3 oz 2 hrs ago. So #2 will be hungry for a full feed in an hour and #1 will be hungry for a partial feed in…uh…..*#$&?!?!? Not to mention my girls are on 5 doses of meds per day. There is NO way to keep track of ’30 minutes before a meal’ med doses when I have no flipping clue when they will be hungry again if they didn’t eat a full meal. Sigh. Whatever.

My MIL thought getting them off schedule was a great idea because “it would be impossible to feed them by yourself at the same time.” But that’s why, dear MIL, I’ve devised a plan: feed my ‘always hungry first’ baby 15 minutes before they are ‘due’ and then I have time to burp her and get her laid back down before the other baby starts to stir.

Then, my dear MIL says as I’m walking out the door of her house “How are you gonna get the babies in your house by yourself?” Uh….I have two arms! The strap on my diaper bag is long enough to get all the way around my body so I can carry it and it’s out of the way. Then I just pick up one, then the other. You just do it.

Anyone have two pumps? I decided to have my Pump In “Style” for the car and the rental for home. I cannot grab two babies AND a diaper bag AAAAND a pump and walk out to the parking lot. So, my solution was to keep a pump in the car. A bit extravagant maybe, but worth it to me.

SEPT 15-----------7 WKS

Cjoy07 – I too am returning to work soon and Dad will be the stay at home care giver. I’m also worried about how he’s going to deal with it. I have to return to work full time at the end of November, but until then I’m not getting paid AND no benefits. On government assistance until then. I pay my taxes, so the government can help me out when I’m in need, right? But, I hear ya on the worry about Dad doing it all thing. I just don’t know – he’s great with them, but under the stress of 8 hrs day, 5 days a week?? Good luck to you guys. Keep me updated.

Trace2 – 2 month fussy days? I guess that’s what we’re doing too. We’re only 7 weeks, but GEEZ LOUISE! Sometimes, I just have to put them in their bouncy chairs and bounce them with my feet. They still cry – but I need a break every once in a while.

Constipation – My girls are about half breastfed, half formula-fed. They seem to be constipated (only pooping once a week) and their belly buttons are kinda bulging and purple colored (like their intestines are too full and pushing out). Both are super fussy and uncomfortable after feedings. My mom is a NICU nurse and said they use ¼ of a pediatric glycerine suppository if the baby hasn’t pooped in 24 hours. We used one a few nights ago and it worked GREAT. We’d been using pear juice as a laxative but it’s SO gentle and SLOW – like 6 hours plus for results. I just can’t wait that long when my kids are in pain. But they still aren’t pooping on their own. Sigh.

Big time money trouble here. We’re scraping together enough for utilities this month and my dad has offered to take care of the mortgage for October. But DH only makes enough at his grocery store cashier job to cover like 1/3 of our expenses….YIKES. I guess I’ll have to go back to work in the next week or so.

I’m getting a little tired of the every 3 hours feeding monotony. I guess I shouldn’t. I enjoy spending time with my girls, but it doesn’t seem to end. I don’t have ANY time to clean the house or keep up on laundry. I’ve been eating ready-made, out of the box crap for two weeks. I feel like I’m GAINING weight and I hate that.

If it’s not one thing, it’s another…

SEPT 30----------- 9 ½ WKS

Hey ladies - It's been a HELLUVA few weeks and I don't even know where to start.

I had my gallbladder out just over a week ago. It's been a tough week. Now I did who knows what to my knee. Going to InstaCare tomorrow morning to see what the problem is. I have a tri-level house - kitchen and living room on one floor, and bedrooms/bathrooms are on the other floors. I go up and down stairs all day and can't avoid it. All these stairs are NOT helping the knee. Plus I'm overweight to begin with and haven't had much luck losing baby weight.

Problems with DH. I'm so stressed about everything. He's not helping NEAR as much as he used to. He's upstairs on the computer until the wee hours of the morning, and sometimes the not-so-wee-hours of the morning. I try to sometimes just do morning feeds by myself to let him sleep, but lately I think - he stayed up by choice - tough cookies, he's helping!

I was so mad and frustrated with him three nights ago. Both girls were fussing in the crib in our room. He's upstairs on the computer. I pickup whoever was crying harder and start BAWLING myself. He finally hears the crying babies and comes down to help with a feeding. He sees me crying and takes the baby so I can get a tissue. I turn around to see HIM crying while holding the baby. He said, "I've been such an @$$hole lately. This is the beginning of the end, isn't it??" I stopped crying and started laughing. Just because I'm crying while holding a baby doesn't mean I want a divorce. Sheesh!

Today, I've cried so many times, I lost count. Over ten. Postpartum depression? Could it be?? Over two months postpartum?

Glad to hear I'm not the only one still having a rough time, even though I wish everyone the best of luck and am sad to hear of your troubles, it's nice to know I'm not alone.

OCT 1-----------9 ½ WKS

Everyone - Thanks for the support. I guess it was just a bad few days. Much better now. Thank goodness DH and I 'talk it out.' Otherwise, I'd be running to my mom's house with the babies every other day. Guess I just have to remember that he's stressed too and learning how to help. I just have to suggest ways to help more often. I'll watch it though - any more 10+ per day crying spells will have me calling the OB for some help.

acc4882 - Does your DH wake up at night if you wake him?? It almost sounds like narcolepsy.... My dh would NOT wake up until the girls were screaming their heads off. So our system is: I hear them start to wake up (grunting and moving around), change the diaper of whoever is more awake, place her by DH's ear so she can scream in it and wake him up, meanwhile I go upstairs and make bottles, come back down and hand him a bottle, he feeds one while I change and feed the other. When everyone has eaten and burped well, we put them back down to sleep. That's the only way that I wasn't doing night feeds by myself. Let the kid scream in his ear. It worked for me since the girls were about 3 weeks old. I wouldn't be getting ANY sleep otherwise. DH still falls asleep sometimes while feeding, but it is a little easier than doing it all myself. HTH!!!

I love my M.O.M. group. I can't believe some of you have to pay for membership. These gals are just easygoing. We get together once a month for dinner, leave the kids at home and just chat. It's nice. I kinda wish we would get together more, but who has time for that?? No fees, no meetings, just show up to dinner if you can. They even do a Las Vegas shopping trip (only a 2 hr drive) in November for Christmastime bargains. If you don't like your group and you know enough twin moms, start your own. I'm thinking of a smaller group (with kids closer in ages) that gets together with the kids at the park or something, go on walks, etc. We'll see.

So, my girls have always been major spitty. Diagnosed with reflux while still in the hospital. On Prevacid in the morning, Reglan 3 times a day, and Axid at night. Lots of meds for little girls. But we just switched from Enfamil to Good Start Natural Cultures. Saw a difference in two days. Pedi recommends Good Start because it's easier to digest. Even DH noticed a significant difference, and that's saying something! If you're kids are spitty, I'd say try Good Start. I wish I would've a LONG time ago!

Anyone have diaper preferences? I didn't think I would - we bought all brands to stock up while I was pregnant. I seem to prefer Huggies. HATE the walmart brand White Cloud. And I just tried Luvs today, don't really like them too much either. Just curious.

Sorry I'm always such a chatterbox! LOL!

OCT 3-----------ALMOST 10 WKS

Melissa - My girls took forever to eat their regular sized meal with 'slow flow' nipples. I tried the stage 2 nipples and knew my girls weren't ready for them yet when they both had a stream of milk from the corner of their mouths. The flow was too fast. I think if your babies have tummy troubles, you can try to pull the bottles out and let them 'rest' in the middle of the feed. If not, maybe the stage 2 nipples are too fast. Hmm. I'm sure some others have some advice/thoughts.

Pro photos - I started a thread to get some advice on pro photo places. Haven't gotten too much response, but I did find a link for a good coupon for JC Penney for those that are interested. Good deal on sheets and $10 off the club fee.

Also - On the JCP faq page, they state they let you get around the 'restrictions' on "one per family" stuff.... See question #4.

Has anyone had pro photos taken yet? What intervals are you planning on doing them? My friends have said 3m, 6m, 9m and 1 yr.

OCT 9TH-----------ALMOST 11WKS

I'll reply to the questions when I get a little more time. I go back to work tomorrow so I'm trying frantically to get things ready. Plus my girls are being blessed on Sunday and we have family coming. Sheesh.

Sari - I think it was you that didn't know where to get Good Start coupons. You can go to and sign up. I'll send you my coupons for whatever you're on if you'll send me your Good Start coupons when you get them.

Coupons - Since no one else has said much, I'll take all the GOOD START coupons you can send me.

Rachel Sharich

1840 West 1100 North #12

St George, UT 84770

And if anyone wants any Enfamil or Similac coupons, let me know and I'll send them to ya. I know it will take some effort to find an envelope and stick a stamp on it. Thanks in advance!!!

And if anyone has questions, please email me at idispatch4911@

Thanks again.

OCT 10TH-----------ALMOST 11 WKS

Formula - My girls each weigh almost 11 lbs. They take between 2-4 oz per feeding, about 7-9 times a day. Daytime we eat about every 2.5-3 hrs. At night, I let them wake me up when they are hungry - usually one 4-6 hour stretch and then back to every 3 hours. I've also heard the 2.5 times the weight and that's how many ounces they should be taking daily. My girls were easily taking 3.5 oz each feeding a few weeks ago, but have been finicky lately. Sometimes if I can get them to take 2 ounces, I feel like it's an accomplishment. What gives? Growth spurt??

Can't remember who talked about their PP doula - Thanks for the advice on "if they are awake longer than 90 minutes, put them down for a nap." I've tried that a few times and it's worked out great. I've never "made" them nap before - I've just waited for them to get tired enough to fall asleep.But that has NOT been working out great for me. Boy they get fussy, but won't fall asleep on their own. So, thanks again!

Baby weight - Mostly for the purposes of time, DH and I have been eating Healthy Choice microwave food. There isn't time for much besides microwave stuff and cereal. I thought about WW too, but I've never done it before, so learning the points counting stuff would be a little time consuming.... Too busy to cook, let alone count. I'll stick with microwave dinners and cross my fingers.

I just learned I have PCOS (polycystic ovaries). Anyone else? I guess it's usually very hard to get pregnant when you have this condition, but I didn't have any trouble since my girls were "surprise, you're pregnant" and "shock, it's twins".... I guess it's also hard to lose weight with PCOS.


OCT 15TH----------2 ½ MONTHS

Anyone have a guess-timate of when babies should start eating every 4 hours during the day? Is it a weight thing? My girls are about 11lbs now, but still on the every 3 hours thing. I'm hoping that strain will ease soon...

How many weeks gestation at birth? 36w2d, c/s scheduled for 37w but my blood pressure couldn't handle much more - neither could I

How many weeks are they now? 11 1/2 weeks - each are about 11 lbs

By what means do your babies eat? b/f to start, latching problems, pumped until about 8 wks, now using EBM during the day when there's time and always formula at night (switched to Good Start from Enfamil, much less spitty)

How often do your babies eat during the day? about every 2.5-3 hours, 2.5 for BM, 3 for formula

When do they nap and for how long? nap when they start to get fussy, but PP stated and I've been following the "if they are awake longer than 90 minutes, put them down for a nap" rule and it's worked out MARVELOUSLY!!!

When do they get put down to bed? Our schedules are late, so their bedtime is anywhere from 11p to 1am. I get off work at midnight so I want to sleep late. It's nice to have them on that schedule. Sometimes I feel like a bad parent to have my babies awake so late, but we sleep well into the morning. I'd hate to be up by 7 or 8!

How often do they wake at night? Our "night" is from midnight till about 10am, so about 3 times. Sometimes we'll get a 6-7 hr stretch between feeds, but most nights are still only 4-5 hr stretches, then right back to every 3 hrs.

When do they call it morning? Between 10am and noon

How do you get them to go down for naps? Pacifier, rocking, softly talking in their ear in low calm voice. Sometimes we have to bounce and walk the hall, but not usually. They sleep better during the day on their tummies on the couch.

How do you get them to go down for bed? Pedi said not to worry about getting them to learn to fall asleep in the crib (putting them in it still awake) until about 4 months old. Anytime they are awake and sleepy and I put them down, they wake right up. So for now, just put them in the crib when I'm ready for bed. Usually after a late feeding (11pm or midnight) they will fall asleep in my arms and I just lay them in the crib after that.

Are they cosleeping and how are they doing with it? Yes at night. Getting a little too big and wiggly for it already though. We'll switch them to separate cribs once they start REALLY waking eachother up.

Do you try to have a set schedule? It varies from day to day on exact times because of the varying night time stretches between feeds. But just about every 3 hours during the day, like clockwork. I sure can't plan dr appointments around it, but it seems to work for now. Would love to be able to say they eat every day at 12, 3,6, and 9, but I just can't be that strict about it.

OCT 20-----------ALMOST 3 MONTHS

Poop stuff - These are my first so no advice, but a friend at work said her daughter (about 6 years old) started holding it in for long periods of time. It caused some sort of medical problem in her bowels and she had to go on RX meds for it until it cleared her system out. I guess just run it by the Pedi. Don't mean to scare you, but it can become serious I guess.

Tummy sleeping - My girls have had very strong necks almost since birth and have only been comfy on their tummies. It's like pulling teeth to get them to play on their backs without crying. I don't know the exact reasoning for "no tummy sleeping" for SIDS, but I'm guessing part of it is worry that the child will smother because of no neck control. I was so worried for the first week about them smothering since they were only a few weeks old. But they've done completely fine with it. And PP is right - once they can flip over, we can't control how they sleep.

DH has been lazy or distracted or something lately. Usually he'll help with the housework when it's getting messy, but lately - nothing. Yesterday, I asked him to help empty the dishwasher and fold a load of towels. I reminded him 3 times and finally just did it myself. Up on the DANG computer. I'm starting to get jealous of the computer. I knew he'd get a text message so I sent him one last night and said he really needs to man-up and help out or I'm gonna start being biatchy. We've discussed MANY times that I can't do this alone and he needs to do 'chores first, then play'.... Today, he's been SUPER nice and did the dishes (there were 4 bottles and 1 plate) . We'll see how long it lasts.

Sorry to gripe, but you ladies understand! Stay sane!


My DH is into recycling, so we got rechargable D batteries. It has been AWESOME to not have to run out and buy more batteries, we just have two sets for each thing and charge them when they run out. But we've got a set ready to use when the other ones go dead. It was a perfect gift from a coworker!

Rachel in Southern Utah

OCT 25----------13 WKS, OLDMy girls have cradle cap, if that's the skin problems you're referring to. I try to keep it under control by picking at it. Sometimes I'll do the baby oil and hairbrush scrub before a bath if it gets too bad (recommended by my pedi). I wondered if it was me not rinsing the shampoo off well enough, but I guess it's just build up of dry skin. Not preventable.

As for the babies losing hair, I've heard some kids go bald between 3-6 months after birth. My girls haven't started yet, but I'm waiting for it. We'll see.

These girls also have toe jam and finger jam like no one's business! I bathe them every other day (who has time to do it every day??) but they still get stinky crud between their fingers and toes. GROSS! I pick at that and marvel at how a cute little baby can stink like that.

Did anyone lose their own hair after stopping BFing? I read that losing hair is normal after giving birth, but I didn't so I thought I was lucky. Now that I'm all dried up, my hair is coming out - tons of strands every day. It's so annoying! When does it go away??

OCT 29----------13 ½ WKS

Kim - I signed up a while ago too and still haven't gotten anything. I also signed up my mom and her address the next day but she hasn't had a thing yet either. Maybe they take their sweet time. Meanwhile, we're spending bazillions on their dang formula!

Becca - Thanks SO much for the coupons. It'll really help out.

Kristen - So sorry about your little one's eye. I hope all goes well. Is it fixable, I hope??

What bottles are you guys using & happy with? I bought a few different kinds since I'm a FTM and don't know what the crap I'm doing. I like Drop-Ins best, but DH likes VentAire. I HATE VentAire because there are so many pieces and if you don't screw them on just right, they leak everywhere. I sat down for 10 minutes each day and screwed together bottles so we wouldn't have to stop just before a feeding with screaming babies. DH almost NEVER put together bottles so I went on a VentAire strike and finally just went back to a plain plastic bottle.

Anyone else having low sex drive?? I've been stressed out, asking DH for help and not geting the help even when I ask. That's gotta stop. So, I'm not usually in the mood, but he sure is. GOSH!

We only have one vehicle that will accomadate the two carseats - a minivan I practically had to beg to get. I've got a pickup and he's got a little 4door piece o' crap he won't sell (and I won't let my babies ride in that thing). Who's got time to sell vehicles anymore? So, I'm considering just taking the pickup and trading it in for another car WITHOUT discussing it with him. I feel bad, but we've talked about putting the truck up for sale since before the babies were born. Should I or shouldn't I?? Anyone else making it work with only one 'baby vehicle'? I feel kinda greedy, but it sure would be easier with two baby vehicles.

NOV 2-----------14 WKS

Deedra - Our 2 month appts were okay. 3 shots (2 in one leg, 1 in the other) and an oral liquid. They screamed really loud, but quieted down fairly quickly. For some reason, I thought it was hilarious how loud they were and I was laughing my head off. I'd never heard them scream that way before. I guess it's a good thing. Just know that they won't be happy, but it won't last long. My girls were so tired from crying, they slept great on the way home and for a few hours after! ONE TIP - Give them some infant Tylenol or Ibuprofen BEFORE you go in to get the shots (maybe even in the waiting room). Call your pedi to see if they'd recommend that. Mine did, but didn't have any meds at the office (wtf?). We had to give them shots cold turkey and run down to the pharmacy afterwards. My pedi said keep them on the meds for 24hrs after just to keep them comfortable and avoid any fevers. I'll for sure pre-medicate at all their other appts requiring shots.

Welcome Nathalie! Hope you can give us some good insight since you're twins are a little older. It gets easier, right? WINK!

Emily, where in Utah are you planning to move? I live in St George.

Good Start - I called the 800 number on the can and asked what they gave out for twins. I just got it in the mail - two small cans of formula, two soft blankets, and two little photo album things. Not bad for a 5 minute phone call. I still haven't gotten any coupons that I signed up for over the internet like 6 weeks ago! GEEZ!

Keepsake Books - I've collected alot of stuff to put in and write down for the girls' baby keepsake books, but the books I bought, I really don't like. I'm not super crafty and don't really want to do the whole scrapbooking start from a blank page thing, so I'm wondering if anyone got some keepsake books that they LOVE..... What are they called? I tried to find 'twin' ones, but I do want each girl to have her own book too.

And is anyone still sleeping with the babies in your roomin their crib? Our house is a tri-level and our room is on the bottom floor, the nursery is on the top floor. It will suck to try to get DH out of bed and haul him up the stairs at night. I just hope I'm not keeping the kids in with us for too long. The plan is when they are more or less sleeping 'through the night' - then they can go in the nursery. Thoughts?

NOV 4---------14 ½ WKS

What were your babies for Halloween?

We found out we were having 2 girls when MIL was on vacation in Hawaii...hence the hula girls. It was, feed them so they are happy, lay them on a blanket, put the costumes on, take a few pics, and pull the costumes off. Hardly worth the effort, but it made MIL happy.

NOV 11----------15 ½ WKS

Maybe it's just me, but I HATE when people say "I always wanted twins!" Don't get me wrong, I love my girls! But people really don't know how much work it is. It just bugs me when they say that. I just wanna tell them "I was blessed with them because God knew I could handle it. You, on the other hand... You have no idea!"

NOV 12------------15 ½ WKS

I know it's still a bit early, but are you guys getting your babies anything for Christmas? I don't think DH and I are. Let alone we are struggling financially, I'm sure the grandparents will spoil them rotten. But, I kinda feel bad about not giving them ANYTHING... Like they'll even remember!

NOV 17-------------16 WKS

Quick question gals.

How often do your kids ACTUALLY poop? I know the books say one thing, the pediatrician says another, MIL says something else. I just wanna know on average how frequently real babies poop. Few times a day? Once a day? Every other day? Twice a week?

And how long do you personally let it go before you 'intervene' ? My girls are still a little unpredictable in this area. Usually every other day. Sometimes, but not usually, twice a day.

I just want to make sure my kids' guts are normal and healthy.

PS - We're on formula.

NOV 24----------ALMOST 4 MONTHS

YAY! Both my girls laughed for the first time. It was so great. At first, I couldn't believe it was really happening. We got one of them laughing on video. But now they won't do it again. Kinda like rolling over - once is good enough for a while.

Just thought I'd share. It made me SO happy!

NOV 27-------------4 MONTHS

Some sort of post partum depression is hitting I guess. It's not weepy, crying, upsetting depression. It's ANGER spurts and mood swings like crazy. I'm suddenly angry beyond belief and don't know why. Thank goodness I'm not one to yell. I just clam up and stomp around cleaning (my house hasn't looked this good in months ).

My poor DH is always thinking he's in trouble. I tell him that it's just a mood and I don't know what's wrong. I've been on Prozac for 2 1/2 weeks, but my symptoms seem to be getting worse. It was just work stuff that was bothering me, but now it's alot of home stuff too. YIKES!

Left a message for my dr to give me a different rx, but no response today. ARG!

DEC 4--------4 MONTHS PLUS

Welcome, Katrina!

Kim - Thanks for the (lame) coupons. Total of 75 cents off almost isn't worth the stamp. That really sucks. I'll send more your way when/if I get more. I'm also hoping to switch formulas because of the crappy coupons. I'm trying my girls on 1/2 Good Start 1/2 Enfamil to see how they'll do with a swtich back to Enfamil. We'll see! Oh. And about the babies being 'behind' - My girls haven't been very grabby at toys, etc yet. At the 4 month check up, the pedi asked and I told her they were a little slow at that. Right then, both girls started reaching for the stethescope the pedi was wearing. GEEZ! They've been grabby ever since.

Sari - Such CUTE babies! I just love the pics.

Anyone else having problems with their kids not eating well? We've been around 4-5 oz per feeding every 3 hours. For the last few days, we're down to MAYBE 2 oz per feeding every 3 hrs. They don't seem sick and they aren't overly fussy. They drool alot, but I don't see teeth coming through. What's the deal?

We've got a leak in our basement, so I'm super stressed. And, unlucky us, it's leaking earlier in the pipe than our shut off valve. So we have to get the city to shut the water off to 23 homes in the area on the same line so we can fix it. YIKES! AND, it's in the foundation, so we've got to jackhammer under the clothes washer to find the pipe in the concrete to fix the pipe. Not good! So, that's my big news....

DEC 27-----------5 MONTHS

Hey gals, it's been a while for me, but we're doing fine. Busy, busy, BUSY!

Working sucks! I know exactly what you mean, Yoko, that you wanna quit. I make more $$ than DH, so I am the sole breadwinner. He works on my weekends and I watch the girls. It's just horrible. I do feel like I never get to spend time with them. I think I'd feel worse if they were in daycare, etc. Last weekend, I actually just held them for each of their naps. Sure, the house stayed a mess, but I was able to 'reconnect' with my girls.

I'm sure I'm probably the slow one here, but have you guys heard of digital scrapbooking??? I just heard about it like an hour ago. It seems the perfect idea. I've saved all of the hospital bands and have so many pictures and stories to tell. I'm not a crafty person and don't wanna spend tons of bucks (that could go towards formula and diapers) on scissors and stamps and stuff. So, what sites do you go to? What program is easy for a beginner? My friend is going to give me a copy of Picture It to try. I can't wait to get started on this!!!! I had bought two baby books but I just don't like them. I think digital scrapbooking is PERFECT!

JAN 2------ 5 MONTHS

OMG Trace. I'm so sad! That's just awful! I'd call him names for you (I really want to) but I don't know him and he IS the father of your children. I just don't know what to say. We're here for you. WOW!

Hey ladies -Just a few curiosity questions....

Carseats - Do you put the arm/handle/bar down while traveling? I didn't for a while, but my mom (NICU nurse) said they recommend you do. I thought of it as a little roll bar, but she said in an accident, there would be plastic splinters all over the face of the infant. I'm sure the car seat company has a recommendation, but I just kinda do whatever. If I'm tired, the bars stay up, if not - they go down. What do you guys do? Anyone know what's recommended for Graco Snugride?

Solid foods - We've almost mastered rice cereal (1 tbs w 2 tbs formula so not too thick). I've always heard to start veggies first, so we've had carrots and peas. Then everyone at work says start fruits first. I've heard veggies so they get used to that taste before the sweetness of fruit.... Thoughts? My pedi didn't say either way. We only do 1 feeding per day of solids - in the morning. And maybe a few times a week, we'll add rice cereal to a night time bottle. Reading the posts, I'd like to start oatmeal. Instant? Regular? Super 'watered' down? Mix the rice & oatmeal or keep them separate?

Sleeping & Naps - Due to my schedule (work til midnight and don't wanna get up early) we put our girls to bed around midnight. (We'll change when they go to school.) But they are only sleeping til 9 or 10. Sometimes 8. No major naps during the day. Maybe 2-3 20 minute cat naps. I'd love them to sleep longer. Longer naps or longer sleep at "night" but they seem fine. How do I make my kids sleep longer???? (DH tried benadryl one night and got IN TROUBLE! but it didnt work anyway!) Do you put the babies down for naps in their crib or in a separate place? I've been thinking of doing the 'watch the clock and put them down' naps in the unused crib upstairs. I want them to know it's not nighttime sleep, but do I really still need to be concerned about that?

We're still having the babies sleep in our room. It's getting old, but I'd be going up and down the stairs all the time. The sleep stretch is about 5-6 hrs every night on average. Anyone feeding around midnight, babies wake up at 5 or 6, and just let the babies cry themselves back to sleep? I'm scared to try this out. They are 15-16 lbs by now and should be able to handle it. Am I expecting too much, too soon? I don't want them to be overly dependant, but I don't want them to starve.... Whaddo I do???

We installed baby gate #1 yesterday. What a pain in the behind this is going to be. I'm a plus size girl and I have to side step to fit through - AND it's a top of stairs gate. GEEZ! Don't they make 'wide' gates? I keep stubbing my toes on the lowest bar! ARG!